Reprint Guidelines
Give A Note must pre-approve all reprinting or republishing of Give A Note blog posts. Please first submit your request for reprint/republishing permission to Give A Note (contact Juliana Lee at info AT and include which blog post you would like to reprint/republish and when you would like to do so.
- If the article you wish to reprint appears on Give A Note’s site originally, Give A Note must be first contacted for reprint permission, not the author. (If the article on Give A Note’s site is a reprint from another site, it will be noted up front, and the author should be notified for reprint permission.)
- The reprint must not alter the content of the original post in any way. (However, you must use your own photos, unless you have an iStock account. Rights to use are the responsibility of the person/organization reprinting.)
- Once permission is granted to reprint a specific article, please include the credit: “Reprinted with permission from Give a Note Foundation. The original article published on [date of publication] can be found here.” And link “can be found here” to the original post on Give a Note’s site.
- Alternatively, the first three paragraphs may be reprinted with author noted and the credit: “Reprinted with permission from Give a Note Foundation. The full article published on [date of publication] can be found here.” And link “here” to the original post on Give a Note’s site.
- Please notify Juliana Lee (info AT when you reprint the article, providing a link to the reprint.