Giving Tuesday: Help Give A Note WIN up to $10,000!

How Has Give A Note Inspired You to Support Music in Schools?


The global giving movement #GivingTuesday, now entering its sixth year—it’s Give A Note Foundation’s sixth birthday, too!—is hosting a #MyGivingStory campaign this year. And Give A Note Foundation wants to invite you to share your story about the impact of music education in your life and why Give A Note matters to the cause of music education.

Help Give A Note WIN up to $10,000 to reach even more schools to support their music programs!

In the past six years, Give A Note Foundation has provided more than $1.2 million in grants to over 45,000 students in more than 100 schools in 37 states across the U.S., and is poised to reach more schools. Help us cover the map by telling your story about why music education and Give A Note matter!

You can submit your story with an optional image or submit a video. Be sure to send your story to Give A Note too so we can share it on the blog! Encourage your community to submit their stories as well! When you enter your story, you will be asked to name the nonprofit organization that will receive the grant if your story wins: please name Give A Note Foundation as your designee.

Then, share your story on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) using the hashtag #MyGivingStory and tag @GiveANote!

Encourage others to do the same with this message: “How has music education impacted your life? Share your #MyGivingStory story and nominate @giveanote:”.

Finally, vote, vote, VOTE every day for the Give A Note stories in the #MyGivingStory Gallery. You can vote for as many stories as you like, but only once per day for any given entry.

Some additional tips and requirements:

Please help spread the word for Give A Note! (Click that share button below.)

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